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Meet Your Match 3x Faster than One Size Fits All Singles Events and Apps.

The follow up! After a mutual information swap- who should reach out first?

Don't Swipe, Meet Tonight!
First Event: October 25th, 7pm - NYC
Next Event: December 13th, 7pm - NYC
Don't Swipe, Meet Tonight, A Singles Mixer / Speed dating experience is an event that born from the growing frustration of singles facing the challenges of finding someone special in today’s dating scene. Our event offers an elevated, in-person experience for accomplished individuals who are serious about making meaningful connections—moving beyond the world of dating apps, free-for-all speed dating events, and random encounters.
This event opens the pathway for Men & Women to actually go and meet accomplished attractive singles in person, all at once... It will be the most intriguing experience you’ve been to in a long time!
This is an exclusive invite only singles event originally, and personally curated by Ambre Anderson, intended for serious singles of a certain caliber, who are looking for a true connections experience.
Don’t swipe / Meet Tonight - A Singles Mixer / Speed dating experience on an elevated level. Men and Women will get the opportunity to sit across from each other to go on multiple potential dates for 4-5 minutes each. Then they'll record their notes about each date. At the end of the event their "Match Cards" will be handed in to the host to be paired. Each participant will receive an email within 24 hours with whom they matched and who liked them. This is a safe space so it is suggested to wait for your email of matches and likes before asking other participants out.
The event includes Games and prizes.
Light bites and drinks will be served.
First Date Impression, Grown & Sexy
@dontswipemeettonight on IG for recent posts
Spaces are limited.